Thursday, August 5, 2010

Exciting Times and Being a Grown Up is Scary

So firstly, I apologise for my absense, although I did warn you that I wasn't sure that this blogging business would stick. In all fairness I have had a pretty intense few weeks and this is the first time blogging has even entered my mind. Wanna know the most important reason why it's been so insanely crazy?


EEP! Yes, my wonderful man proposed to me after a Red Rooster lunch on the beach. Ring Layby receipt in hand he asked me to marry him. Clearly, I said yes. Between tears.

So now of course the fun begins. We are planning not one, but two engagement parties (the delights of having family and friends in two distinctly separate places). And when I say WE, I mostly mean I am, since Jace works away for 4 weeks at a time and has just flown out, meaning he will fly back in approximately 3 days before the first party. Awesome. Haha.

And then of course after the various engagement celebrations the real fun begins....Planning the wedding. At this point in time, I don't even really want to think about it, one thing at a time.

We have also been trying to sort our living situation out. For the last few months we have been looking for a rural property to buy, after the bank had told us that they would lend us enough money to get a decent place. But then, things never go the way they are planned and after much searching and finally finding the perfect place, within what we thought was our budget, we discover that we actually can NOT get anywhere near enough money to get the type of property that we want. Major sad face.

So now we are stuck renting for at least another 12 months and if the guy who owns the land our horses are on doesn't let us renew the lease...bye bye keepers of my sanity. URGH! Who seriously thought it was a good idea for me to grow up and become an adult! I mean really?! I kinda wanna be the weird kid in the corner playing with her barbies and model horses again!


I also got to finally catch up with friends I haven't seen in quite some time last week. And although I did tell myself it would just be a quiet night to update each other on our lives, I got far drunker than was planned. Not vomit drunk, but quite silly drunk. And this time I don't think I can blame it on Liv! I think this one is on me. I did quite enjoy it though, it was nice to be around people. It's all good too, because I got to sleep it off the next day, while Jace did manly (husbandly? fiance-ly?) things like taking rubbish to the dump. WOOT!

So there you have it, I'm engaged, looking to buy a property, completely stressed out and occasionally drunk.

Welcome to Adulthood.

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